My name is Lindsay and I have an obsession with swaddles and blankets. I blame this obsession on not finding out the sex of baby #3 and my desire to purchase baby clothes. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of great gender neutral clothing options out there that aren’t yellow, grey or green so I’m opting to wait until baby arrives to do any real clothes purchasing. Until then I am stocking up on swaddles and muslin blankets and lusting over quilts because those are always gender neutral no matter the print.
Additionally as a seasoned parent I have come to learn that muslin blankets have so many functions. They work as a cover on a stroller, a scarf for mom, a blanket for my littles, a spot to put baby down on, a burp cloth, a nursing cover or a snug swaddle (unless you have a baby Houdini and that’s when the swaddlers come into play.) I also know we can go through at least two per day and since my laundry is already way behind I can’t imagine it getting any better once baby is here so a good stock of muslin blankets only seems logical. So until this babe arrives I’ll just be over hear collecting blankets.
Q: What are your favorite brands of baby blankets and swaddles? Do you prefer muslin blankets or swaddles?
TOP-L to R: Clementine Muslin; Oahu & Zig Zag Snuggle Blanket*; Saguaro Trio*; MIDDLE-L to R:Poppies & Corn Flowers*; Midnight Swaddles*; Little Camper*;BOTTOM- L to R: Bike Family*; Sheep Swaddler*; Happy Picnic
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I got these muslin style blankets when G was a baby by Tippy Toes on Amazon and they are soooo soft. I still love them.
I’ve been looking at the zen swaddle for our new addition but also have a bunch of halo sleep sack swaddles I’m hoping to reuse.
July Baby Favorites: Nuroo Swaddler, DockATot, and Boody Baby
[…] Swaddler. My love for swaddles and blankets is no secret. I recently shared some of my favorite styles and prints and the standout has been […]