We’re Expecting and We’re Having A …



Yes for the third time we are not finding out the sex of baby #3. While we might not be finding out it doesn’t mean we aren’t a bit curious so just like every other pregnancy we are turning to some old wives tales for predictions.

The Predictions Based on Gender Prediction Charts and Old Wives Tales:

Time of Conception: No idea .

Cravings: GIRL
It is said that if you crave sweet it’s a girl and if you crave salt you’re having a boy.  While I haven’t had any crazy cravings I have been happy to indulge in vegan soft serve and I did have a week where I couldn’t get enough watermelon.

Dreams: No dreams.
I haven’t had any gender specific dreams yet. I know that that when I was pregnant with Edith I didn’t start having any until my third trimester.

Sleeping Preference: GIRL
I have read that you prefer sleeping on your left side, you’ll have a boy and if you prefer your right side a girl. I prefer my right and always have and just find myself always switching to my right side.

Morning Sickness Severity: GIRL
Apparently extreme nausea or nausea that lingers all day means you are having a girl. This was the most extreme nausea I have ever experienced. From weeks 4-18 it was pretty much non-stop but even now at nearly 25 weeks I still have my days.

Mathematical Formula: BOY
You add your age (3+1) to your due date month (6) to your conception month (9). Odd equals boy, even equals girl. Mine adds up to 19.

The Bump Chinese Gender Predictor: BOY
I used the chart on The Bump. This one is based on your age not your lunar age.

Chinese Gender Predictor: GIRL
This test takes your Chinese Lunar Age into consideration.
Woman’s Birth Year: 1985 Month: 8 Day: 28 Time Zone: EST
Conception Year: 2014  Month: 9 Day: 25 Time Zone: PST
It’s a girl! (Chinese Age 32 at Lunar month 8)

Mayan Table: GIRL
Age of conception [ODD] + Month of conception [ODD] = Girl 

Hands- Soft or Dry?: Inconclusive 
Neil says my hands aren’t dry but they aren’t soft.

Citrus: GIRL
Apparently if you’re craving citrus, you’re having a girl.

Skin: GIRL
Apparently if your skin breaks out expect a girl. Well my skin has been TERRIBLE.  

High or Low?: Inconclusive 
I have no idea. I have also read that where you carry is based on your body type, whether you have a good set of abs before conception and pregnancy #. Since I don’t have abs and I’m on pregnancy #6 it’s hard to tell. 

Nature’s language:  GIRL
It is believed that nature communicates with humans through forms. In this case, if the mother’s womb is round, it is a girl. If it is pointed, it is a boy (source). I am feeling like I look pretty round so I guess girl?

Heart Beat: GIRL
Is Baby’s heart beat faster than 140 beats per minute (bpm)? It’s a girl. Less than 130 bpm? It’s a boy (source). Heart beat has consistently been above 130 bpm.

Gut Feeling: I want to say girl but honestly I’m always wrong. I was convinced Edith was going to be a boy and that Alder was going to be a girl .

TOTALS: 9 Girl, 2 Boy, 4 inconclusive.

What do you predict we will have? 



  • http://www.home-remedies-site.com/boy-or-girl.htm
  • http://www.babyzone.com/pregnancy/photos_popular_pregnancy_myths
  • http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-baby/gender-prediction/old-wives-tales/
  • http://content.thebump.com/sitelets/chinese-gender-chart/
  • http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/

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