- Coffee. I have morning ritual where I stand in the kitchen and sip my coffee, leave it for a few hours and come back to it cold and then chug. Either way if it wasn’t for coffee I’m not sure how I would get through most of my days.
- Fitness. Once I have cleared all the toys out of the way (aka pushed them into a big pile) I like to take 20 or so minutes to get in a workout. Usually this isn’t during nap time so I have my trusty coaches to help cheer me on and to up my game by creating obstacles where they hang, climb and attempt to go under me. They sure know how to make sure I get in a good workout and just that short time gets me sweating, releases some tension and gets me focused.
- Shower. Now this doesn’t happen everyday because #momlife but when it does I know my day is going to be a little bit better. Bonus a shower also means that I get to practice my peek-a-boo skills because as we parents know there is no such thing as being alone in the bathroom whether it’s to pee, poop, shower or brush our teeth.
- My Partner. You know that person who comes home and you drop everything your doing and hide in the bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom because you just need 5 minutes peace and they are there to take on the children who go from cranky to happy as can be (which I think is amazing and I love that their dada can bring that much joy just by coming home.)
- Essential Oils. I often have days where I just want to park myself next to the diffuser and take in as much calming lavender as I possibly can because it’s just been one of those days. In all seriousness though since making essential oils part of my daily routine it has made our days just a little bit calmer, fun and more enjoyable. It’s really amazing the power essential oils has to calm the mind and the body and lift the spirit.
What helps you get through your day? I also find getting out of the house, making time to meet up with friends or just simply going for a walk is so helpful.
For more info on essential oils check out @essentiallylindsay or email me lindsay@naturallyfamily.com
Your workouts sound very motivating with those mini coaches!
I should help them start a baby bootcamp biz
Love the list – Coffee warm… And then chug!
It’s definitely something I bet all moms can relate to!
I think about those lucky moms who have microwave to reheat their cold coffees while I chug my cold cup.
#1 is totally me, but with tea. When I drink it cold, I just tell myself it’s iced tea now.
I wish that I had mini cheerleaders for my workouts! Might actually workout more