Where has the weekend gone? Seriously this weekend didn’t feel very much like a weekend for me but nonetheless it’s past us and a new week is here to greet us.
Friday night Neil came home for a brief moment to take Edith for a walk to get take-out while I took a quick nap. Once they returned home he was off to a concert and Edith and I sat and enjoyed our tofu banh mi. Then it was bath, books and bed for both of us. Exciting right?
Saturday started just like every Saturday does with swim lessons for Neil and Edith and work time for me. While they splashed around I attempted to push through a pile of work and also make a grocery list/menu plan for the week. Upon their return it was time for lunch and then we were off to buy Neil a coffee roaster (I’m sure he’ll share more on this later) and then it was time to finally fill our empty fridge. Saturday night didn’t get much more exciting. We watched half of the Lorax while Neil did dishes and then it was dinner, bath, books and bed. Neil and I stayed up (who am I kidding I was in bed by 9:30) and enjoyed a bowl of popcorn and an episode of White Collar. Wild night!
Sunday Neil woke up with what seems to be a sinus infection or cold of some sort and so Edith and I spent the morning in the living room eating breakfast and watching the second half of the Lorax. Edith and I….err I picked up the house a bit and then finally Neil ventured out of the bedroom. He and Edith read books and lounged on the couch. Then there was lunch, naptime struggles, an episode of White Collar while Edith FINALLY napped and then since Neil was feeling better we headed out to Macys to use a $10 coupons that were about to expire (we couldn’t pass up free money). We stopped at Menchies for some sorbet and then it was off to relax on the couch. We had an early dinner and then took advantage of the light and went for a walk around the block. Then it was bed, bath, books again.
What adventures did you find yourself on this weekend?
The question I can’t get out of my head since I’ve read this is….did you make your own tofu bahn mi sandwiches or do you know a good place to get them? Please share…now I’m craving one! 🙂
We got our banh mi at Jade in Sellwood but we often make our own. You can also find them at a number of places around the city- banh mi’s (including tofu and other veggie ones) are super popular in Portland. Best Baguette has a great one as well and is super cheap.