Baby No. Two: 11 Weeks

[insert 11 week photo here — oops! I’ll start belly photos next week]

How far along are you? I’m 11 weeks!

How Iā€™m feeling: Tired and a bit nauseous. I just went from having Neil home for two weeks to just me and Edith and well it’s been a bit of a challenge. We are trying to get back to a normal routine but have been struggling with naps and getting out due the crazy weather. My goal is to make it through the week and know that next week will be better.

Total weight gain: No idea.

Maternity clothes: I am completely in maternity or stretchy pants now which is sooner than I was with Edith but expected. As for tops I can still wear some of pre-pregnancy tops and have purchased a few tops in the next size up but haven’t turned to maternity tops quite yet.

Sleep: I ended up buying a mini snoogle which honestly has been a bad idea. It just isn’t quite as wonderful as my big snoogle that I had with my pregnancy with Edith. I think I might have to buy myself a big one. I have been having insane dreams just like I did with Edith. Also already my hips are hurting due to sleeping on my side but I think I might be able to solve that with a big snoogle.

What’s been going on this week: We found a midwife! My naturopath (primary doctor) is also a midwife but she is not accepting births for July and August because she needs a break so I had to find some else. Yesterday we interviewed a new naturopathic midwife that my doctor has worked with before and we loved her.

Movement: None yet.

Screen Shot 2014-01-08 at 6.31.41 PM

Food cravings: No real food cravings but apparently I have really wanted muffins this week because I baked banana ones Monday and blueberry-orange ones today.

Food aversions: Coffee. Alcohol. Hummus. Cooking some vegetables (not the eating part just the preparing).

What I Miss: Having Neil home.


  1. Candace

    Which snoogle pillow did you have? I’ve registered for the back n’ belly chic, which looks amazing to me, but I don’t have it yet. We already have a body pillow that I’ve been using, but my hip gets so sore on my left side that I can’t stay there for long, even with the pillow….any other suggestions (stretches? sleeping positions? supports?)? I’m doing yoga a few times a week and that helps me feel good for a bit, but the hip pain is waking me up a lot šŸ™

    • I have the compact snoogle right now but with my first pregnancy I had this one –> and I plan on buying it again because the compact one just isn’t working for me. I loved my snoogle it was a serious life saver. As for sleeping positions the snoogle helps but honestly I had hip pain all through my pregnancy it was just a matter of readjusting throughout the night, yoga helped as well and doing light stretches before bed and first thing in the morning.

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