Currently we are still in the process of moving in and I have to say I am so ready for this to be done. We ended up moving ourselves due to some overpriced or unavailable movers. To top it all off we were supposed to get a 10 foot truck but ended up with a cargo van so needless to say we still have more to move but luckily our other lease isn’t up until October. At our new place we are trying to get settled in but unfortunately a 15 month old and unpacking doesn’t quite go together and to top it off of course Neil has a ton going on at work and with softball wrapping up so nights have been challenging as well. Anyways this is simply supposed to be a little update of our current situation. I am hoping to get more unpacked this weekend since next weekend is MommyCon!
We will be back to normal blogging soon!
We just had day 1 of our move today. We cleaned five cabinets. That’s it. SO hard with a toddler!
Our movers come next week but I have on idea how we are going to clean two houses, pack, and unpack on our own. It feels completely overwhelming right now.
Good luck to you guys. The new place looks awesome!
Maybe we can get together when you are in our neck of the woods later this year?
Are you all moved in? We are still trying to get unpacked and STILL have stuff at our other place (we have it until 10/31)