Did you know that August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week & August National Breastfeeding Month! Here are a few of my favorite breastfeeding related posts and resources.
My Favorite Resources:
- KellyMom–> I can’t tell you how many times in the first six months of breastfeeding that I searched this site.
- La Leche League
- Dr. Jack Newman
- Other resources you might like
Breastfeeding Related Posts on Naturally Family:
- Breastfeeding in Restaurants
- Chocolate Coconut Lactation Cookies
- Nursing Bras
- Breastfeeding Class & Early Experience
- Breastfeeding Fashion
- Breastfeeding in Public
My Favorite Breastfeeding Related Posts by Others:
- According To Lara: One Year of Breastfeeding and Beyond
- The Art of Making a Baby: Full Term Breastfeeding
- Daily Mom: The Surprising Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding
- Writing Chapter Three: Breastfeeding Makes Me Sad
- Katie Heddleston: My Experience with Milk Donation
- Healthy Tipping Point: Why I Pump
What are your favorite breastfeeding related posts? Link up in the comments! Share your favorite or one of your own!
Thanks for sharing! I am reading them ALL 🙂 We are almost 3 months into our breastfeeding journey and there have already been a ton of ups and downs but reading others experiences is so helpful. I would definitely recommend every expectant mother who plans to breastfeed take a class before the baby gets here, like a real class and not just what they skim over in the childbirth classes. I was not prepared enough and I was quite shocked at how hard it was in the beginning. But it really does get better, even when you want to strangle every person that tells you that while you’re struggling 😉