*On July 9th, 2013 Edith turned one!!!*
Weight: Around 16-17 lbs. (same guess as last month)
Height: Not sure maybe 27-28 inches? <– total guess (same guess as last month)
Likes: Going down the big slide at the park with mom and dad. Swings. Crawling on the playground. Swimming at the pool. Stacking blocks. Nursing.
Dislikes: Getting her diaper changed….95% of the time. This past month she really hated not being held. Riding in her carseat (both new and old). Having her nose Frida’d.
Sleeping: This month sucked. Not even going to pretend it was a good month. Edith entered her 8th wonder week about two weeks ago and since then sleep has just been terrible. You’re probably thinking okay but what about the few weeks before that…I honestly don’t remember. I think between staying a hotel, the weather being crazy hot, the 8th leap and guests good sleep just hasn’t been on our side. I am hoping that once this leap passes that our good sleeper will make a comeback because mommy and daddy need some sleep.
Eating: We made it to the breastfeeding one year mark and we are still going strong! Edith nurses 6-10x per day and she is also eating 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. She is big on avocado, vegan mac and cheese, vegan pizza, bananas, mushrooms, onions, blueberries, smoothies, toast with a little marmite and grape tomatoes.
Playing: We haven’t been to very many meet ups the past few weeks because of a blog conference and our guest being in town but we will be back at it next week. We have been bringing her to a weekly music night at a local farm and she seems to be loving it. We also have been doing a lot of playing at home with stacking toys and we do lots and lots of reading.
Wearing: (same as last month). E is wearing mostly 6-12 month, some 12-18 months and even some 2T shirts that are just a little big for her.
Happy birthday Edith! I’ve loved reading all about you this year, and I hope your mama continues to write about your many adventures 😉
Thank you!
Happy Birthday, sweet Edith! Way to go Mama on a year of breastfeeding 🙂
Thank you!