*On June 9th, 2013 Edith turned 11 months.*
Weight: Around 16-17 lbs.
Height: Not sure maybe 27-28 inches? <– total guess
Likes: Climbing up on top of the foot stool. Playing at OMSI. Going to the splash pad at Magnolia Park. Going swimming at our pool. Walking around the house holding our hands. Going on the swings. Watching babies. Going for walks in one of the baby carriers. Eating. Baths.
Dislikes: Same as last month –> Getting her diaper changed most of the time. Napping in her crib. Getting into her car seat. Having non-baby friendly things taken away from her (ie. our phones, paper that she is trying to eat, pens). Plus –> being told no. Being taken off furniture that she has climbed up onto. Being told no.
Sleeping: I’m trying to remember sleep this past month and it’s been kind of a roller coaster. We had a few nights where Edith just refused to sleep in her bed and so she slept with us. Overall it’s still about the same as it was last month with some nights being better than others. We went away for a mini-vacation to Seattle and surprisingly she actually slept in the hotel crib for about 60% of the night (win!).
Eating: Edith is still nursing every 2-3 hours during the day and like I said last month that probably won’t be stopping anytime soon. The only time she doesn’t want to nurse that frequently is if she is distracted by something we are doing. As for solids she is eating three meals per day plus snacks here and there. She loves beans, strawberries, blueberries and avocado right now.
Playing: We started a meetup.com group for families and we have been setting up a number of playgroups which has been nice. We also have been getting out to more Portland child friendly activities like OMSI since Neil started his new job in downtown Portland. It is so fun to watch Edith develop and to see how she has changed over the months. Each OMSI trip I see her grow more and more and it is just amazing. She has also come to love watching other children, specifically older ones. She gets really excited and just stares and observes that they are doing.
Wearing: E is wearing mostly 6-12 month, some 12-18 months and even some 2T shirts that are just a little big for her.
Coming up on the blog… (finally for real this time) our approach to solids part 2, what we are reading struggles with pumping, Edith’s birthday party and so much more. If you have any questions for us we’d love to hear from you (info@naturallyfamily.com).
Sounds a lot like G’s “dislike” list, too!
Does she sleep well if she is in bed with you? We have started to try co-sleeping again in hopes that it will help us all get more sleep. It’s still unclear if it is helping or not.
Today was G’s first day eating three meals a day! Wow, it’s time consuming feeding these kids (between nursing and solids)!