*On April 9th, 2013 Edith turned 9 months. Please make time slow down!!*
Weight: Around 15 lbs.
Height: Around 27 inches.
Likes: Loves standing. “Typing” on her computer keyboard. Eating Blocks. Taking baths. Reading books. Eating. Breakfast with Babies (meet up).
Dislikes: Getting her diaper changed. Teething. Napping in her Crib.
Sleeping: Sleep this month continued to be a little crazy for us. We had a few nights where Edith was only up once or twice to nurse and many nights where she was up 3-5 times. I plan on doing another post on our sleeping situation.
Eating: Edith nurses anywhere from 6-10 times per day. When she isn’t attached to the boob she is eating solids like a champ. Right now she is hooked on avocado, mango, hummus and artichokes. She has also been really enjoying packets of purees not sure why, maybe because of her teething?
Playing: We have been going (most) weeks to breakfast with babies meet up group and it is great. The meet up event is for pre-walking babies and we get together at a baby friendly cafe and have mom talk while the babies play. At home we spend a lot of time exploring and right now Edith is especially loving unpacking boxes and bags.
Wearing: E is wearing mostly 6-12 month and 9 month clothes but still some 3-6 month onesies.
Coming up on the blog… (finally) our approach to solids part 2, cloth diapering update, struggles with pumping and so much more. If you have any questions for us we’d love to hear from you (info@naturallyfamily.com).
Edith and G are both tiny ones! G is only a pound heavier and an inch longer. Has your doctor ever expressed concern to you? Mine hasn’t, but I can’t help but worry!
There haven’t been any major concerns. We have had her blood drawn 3 times over the past 5 months just to make sure her levels are staying okay but developmentally she is on track if not a little ahead.