Our movers (finally) showed up on January 24th with (almost) all of our boxes however we still haven’t finished unpacking. We are currently living out of boxes and it’s driving me bonkers. I think it’s really driving us all a little crazy so instead of unpacking when the weekend comes we dash out the door to explore… and make our millionth trip to Ikea to pick up things for the house.
This weekend we had plans to go in to Portland to do a few things but this morning we decided that we need to get ourselves unpacked as much as possible so that our home is somewhere we want to be comfortable. I am proud to say I unpacked all of the kitchen boxes today which is wonderful now we just have to finish all of the other boxes and put clothes away (after we put together our dressers).
I am hoping that we will get another big chunk of boxes and things done around the house tomorrow so that next weekend we can do some more exploring.
Love this photo! She is such a cutie, its one of those she will love to look at when she was older and hear the story about how she trecked across the country when she was such a little babe. Good luck with the unpacking!