At our 31 week appointment it was confirmed that our baby was breech, we were told not to worry that there was still plenty of time for them to turn and given a sheet of different positions that I could try at home to encourage them to turn. Even though I was reassured that it was nothing to really worry about until I was closer to 35 weeks I still couldn’t help but wonder- what if this baby doesn’t turn? Our midwife sent us home with the handout below and suggested that we try The Breech Tilt (pillow version), as well as, to focus on sitting forward and not crossing my legs.
For the next two weeks I did The Breech Tilt, I tried talking to the baby and massaging my belly in a downward motion and Neil’s favorite we tired the flashlight trick. At our 33 week appointment we were told the baby was head down and that it was 98% chance that they would stay that way- WIN! Update: Almost 38 weeks now and the baby is still head down!
We lucked out but for those of you who are trying to flip a breech baby here are the suggestions that I received from my yoga teacher who is also a doula, from our midwife and via
- First off visit
- acupuncture
- acupressure
- chiropractor
- yoga poses: supported bridge pose and cat/cow pose
- swimming; diving to the bottom of the pool
- inversions
- warm/cold compress
- flashlight
- don’t cross your legs
- sit leaning slightly forward, never lounge back
- sleep on side with high knee
- talking to baby belly while rubbing downward motion
Was/Is your baby breech? What techniques have you tried? Did any of them seem to work?
Wow congrats on your your new baby.gore lucky are you to have baby head down once again. I never had had a problem like that and very intrested on the techniques.